Pickens County Begins Storm Debris Removal in Coordination with SCDOT
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Tor Ellstrom
Building Official

Anthony Brown
Zoning Officer

Brock Balestrero
Building Inspector

Mario DiPietro
City Planner

What is my property zoned?
You can find the zoning of your property on the City of Easley Zoning Map.

What uses are allowed in my zoning district? What are the setbacks for my property?
You can access zoning district uses, setbacks, and other information below. You need to browse to a specific section of the ordinance

Section 2.6.01-2.6.02: Single Family Residential
Section 2.6.03-2.6.04: General Residential
Section 2.6.05: Neighborhood Commercial
Section 2.6.06: Office Institutional Districts
Section 2.6.07:General Commercial
Section 2.6.08: Core Commercial
Section 2.6.09: Industrial District
Section 2.6.10: Medical District
Section 2.6.11: Planned Unit Development

When do I need a building permit?
Any structure 200 square feet or greater, or any structure regardless of size that will require plumbing and/or electricity needs a permit. Agricultural pole barns require a permit as well as an affidavit affirming the use of the building

Can I build my own house?
Yes, but you must complete and register an Owner/Builder Certificate.
Do I need a permit to remodel an existing house?
If the remodeling and/or addition changes the structural condition of the home in any manner or includes electrical, plumbing, or mechanical changes of any kind, a permit is required

Does my landscaping have to be complete before my house can be finaled?
No, but it must be complete within 30 days of the final

May I move my furniture and personal belongings into the house before I receive a Certificate of Occupancy?
No, a house should not be occupied until after the Certificate of Occupancy is issued.

Do I need a permit for a purchased pre-fab garage/storage building that is delivered to my house and would be utilized for personal use and which contains no electrical or plumbing?
No, but the building must be 10' off the back and side property lines and cannot exceed 200 square feet. There cannot be more than one detached building per lot.  Any building over 200 square feet would need a permit.

How big may I build my detached structure?
A detached structure cannot exceed 800 square feet and cannot be more than 15 feet in height

What kind of inspections are required?

May I move a mobile home on to my property?
You may move a mobile home into an established Mobile Home Park and/or you may replace a mobile home in the GR1 District under certain conditions. For more details access the document below.
Click Here

I have just moved into a mobile home in a mobile home park, but I don't have power. When will it be turned on?
Combined Utilities cannot turn your power on until the inspector has released power. To obtain this release, a successful inspection must be made of your mobile home. Please note that an inspection cannot take place if the power has been disconnected for 90+ consecutive days

May I store my car on my property until I can afford license plates and insurance?
Yes, but only if you completely cover the same with a factory-made care cover. 

May I place small signs on the road side to advertise my business?  What type of permanent sign can I install for my business?
Signs must not be placed in the road right of way. You can access the entire Sign Ordinance in the Zoning Ordinance
The type and size of allowed signs are determined by Article IV of the Zoning Ordinance.

Do I need a permit for a fence?
A building permit is not required for a fence to be installed, but you do have to visit our Public Works Department to get approval.  Fences can cause issues if installed in an area that does not allow for proper drainage.  Installing a fence without prior approval can result in the fence having to be removed at the owner's cost.  For more information on how to get approval, please reach out to our Public Works Department at 864-855-7916.
Fences in the front yard may not exceed 4 feet in height or 8 feet in any other setback area or along any other property line, unless otherwise specified.

How do I obtain a sign permit?
You may obtain the sign permit from our website under the Planning and Development Department or you may call our office at 855-7908 and request that one be faxed or mailed to you. You may also email Anthony Brown at abrown@cityofeasley.com with your request.

I am renting a suite from an already established shopping center; what must I do to obatin my own free-standing sign?
Only one free-standing sign is allowed per developed lot. You should ask the landlord if there is enough available signage to add your sign to the existing free-standing sign; then submit an application.

I am starting a new business in the City, what do I need to do? / I am relocating my business to another place in the City, what do I need to do?
You must apply for a business license with the Business License Department of City hall. However, before the license is issued, you will have to apply and pass a business license inspection. Please see visit the link below for more information.

I am clearing enough land to build a small storage shed. Do I have to put up silt fencing?
Yes, silt fencing is require whenever land is disturbed.